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10 tips to make your everyday life more eco-responsible

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eco-responsible man

Ecology is not just a matter for governments and companies, it also concerns us as individuals.

Our lifestyles, activities and choices have an impact on the environment, and we have the opportunity to choose more sustainable behaviour, products and services that protect the environment.

So there are a number of things we can do to be truly green in our everyday lives, and do our bit to help combat global warming and pollution. Here's a list of 10 tips, gestures and everyday actions that involve an eco-responsible approach to reducing our environmental impact and preserving our planet.

It's up to you to make your everyday life more eco-friendly and help protect our natural resources!

1. Reduce your use of single-use plastic

This is a real scourge for the environment: the use of single-use plastic encourages the production of large quantities of waste, which is difficult to recycle and ends up in nature.

In the North Pacific Ocean, for example, a plastic continent with a surface area three times the size of France (1.6 million km2) is expanding year on year. And did you know that the French are the champions of plastic pollution? Around 1.5 million disposable plastic bottles are used every hour, or 36 million a day, and on average a French person consumes 180 single-use plastic bottles a year.

The eco-responsible way to reduce your ecological footprint is to reduce your consumption of plastic bottles, by opting for tap water (filtered if necessary) and a water bottle, or glass bottles, which are making a comeback.

You should also consider buying products in bulk, to avoid single-use packaging. You can also bring your own reusable bags to the grocery shop. Not only will you reduce plastic waste, but you'll also save money that would have been spent on buying several plastic or paper bags.


LaVie pure water purifier bottle

LaVie® UV-A water purifiers work without filter and allow you to purify your tap water in a matter of seconds. 15 minutes.

They use an innovative, patented technology exclusive to LaVie®: the chlorine photolysis by UV-A radiation.

This treatment removes chlorine and its by-products, chemical compounds such as certain organic compounds and other substances. pesticides or traces of medicinesand the tastes and smells that can be found in tap water.

The results, which are of a very high standard, make it possible to draw a definitive line under the consumption of plastic bottled water.

The carbon footprint associated with the manufacture of the UV water purifier's aluminium tube is neutralised in just a few days of use, compared with the equivalent consumption of water in plastic bottles.

So it's safe to say that the LaVie water purifier, in terms of its usefulness and life cycle, is a product that is eco-responsible !

2. Sorting your rubbish (and composting)

Most waste, plastic or otherwise, is polluting. That's why it's important to follow sorting instructions to encourage the recycling of materials.
Recycling has become an important part of maintaining a sustainable lifestyle and preserving our planet for future generations. To help reduce the amount of waste we produce, it's essential to recycle all your plastic, glass and metal containers wherever possible.

By recycling these items, mankind can minimise the impact of deforestation and pollution on our environment. In addition, these materials can be transformed into new products by manufacturers, allowing us to extend the useful life of these materials and helping us to preserve natural resources.


But even if you sort as much as you can, there are still shells, peelings, cores and other food waste. Don't panic, they're just waiting to be recycled! That's where the composter comes in, transforming all this food waste into fertile, environmentally-friendly compost.

Our food waste can be put to good use by composting it. As well as enriching the soil, composting can provide you with free fertiliser and help you save on your water bill as composted soil retains moisture. Get creative with your organic kitchen waste and start composting today!

composting, an eco-responsible practice

3. Growing a vegetable garden

And now that you've got compost, why not grow your own vegetables? A bit of garden can be enough to improvise yourself as a market gardener! Starting a vegetable garden means using less plastic, gardening in a sustainable way (without pesticides), stocking your pantry with seasonal fruit and vegetables, and ultimately being even more eco-responsible. And what a pleasure it is to eat the tomatoes you've seen ripen in the sunshine!

example of a vegetable garden

4. Buy local and in season

To act in an eco-responsible way, you need to pay attention to what you eat. Vegetables grown out of season (often in heated glasshouses) can emit up to 7 times more greenhouse gases than those grown at the right time of year. Add to that the emissions linked to transport when food is produced abroad, and you have a plate with a significant carbon footprint.

By eating locally and in season, you're doing your bit to combat global warming. What's more, favouring short distribution channels, directly from producer to consumer, is also more economical, because it cuts out the middleman!

5. Favouring soft mobility

In France, 42% of people whose company or workplace is less than 1 km from their home travel there by car. Yet transport plays an essential role in the fight against global warming. To be eco-responsible, we need to encourage soft mobility.

Walking, cycling and using public transport are all good ways of getting around on a daily basis, and they're all good for the environment. What's more, extra physical activity is always good for your health! And for longer journeys, opt for the train rather than the plane.

Cycling to work

6. Choosing a green electricity supplier

Today, you can choose the green electricity supplier that best suits your needs and your ecological convictions. Yet more proof that your choices can help you play your part in the ecological transition and protect nature!

green energy

7. Lower the heating

Heating is the biggest energy expense for French households. By reducing it by 1°C, you can cut your energy consumption and do your bit for the environment, while reducing your energy bill by an average of 7%.

Save energy by turning down the heating

8. Limit the consumption of electrical appliances

An eco-responsible attitude to everyday life is to switch off electrical appliances on standby. You can do this by unplugging electrical sockets or installing a standby switch.

The age of electrical appliances also has an impact on their consumption, so you can replace appliances that consume too much energy with new ones, by comparing energy labels and choosing the best-rated models (A or B).

9. Insulating your home

By definition, a well-insulated house is one that significantly reduces energy consumption. By insulating the attic space of your home, you can reduce your environmental footprint, while benefiting from financial support.

10. Better light management

This is perhaps the easiest eco-gesture to carry out - all you have to do is think about it! You can place your sofas, chairs or desks close to the windows, so that you benefit from natural light for longer.

And don't forget to turn off the lights, and opt for LED bulbs, which consume less energy and are more environmentally friendly. Energy conservation is important for both financial and environmental reasons. Turning off lights and electronics when not in use can have a significant impact on reducing electricity costs, while offering the added benefit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It's so easy to get into the habit of leaving lights and electronics on all day, but with a few simple steps, everyone can start making a difference!

Read also: How can I make my business more environmentally responsible?

Being eco-responsible: An individual approach that benefits us all

An eco-responsible approach
In conclusion, the notion of eco-responsibility describes the idea of taking personal responsibility for the environmental circumstances that surround us. It is a concept that suggests that, as individual citizens, we can have an impact on our environment by changing our daily actions, whether that means opting for sustainable products rather than their non-durable equivalents, or conserving water and electricity.
Read also: What is the average water consumption of French households?
Eco-responsibility also means contributing to efforts such as philanthropic investments and donations to organisations working to preserve the environment and combat pollution. Ultimately, it's important to recognise that everyone in society has a role to play in protecting the environment for present and future generations. We all know that we should be doing our bit to look after the environment. But sometimes it's hard to know where to start, what advice to follow or how to make a difference in our daily lives. With a bit of awareness, a few principles and the small daily efforts described in this article, it is possible to have an impact and achieve results while leading a comfortable lifestyle. Let's work together, responsibly, to make a difference for our planet.
Pascal Nuti CEO of LaVie Water Purifier
Article written on 19/06/2023 by Pascal Nuti - CIO Solable - Passionate about energy, I'm constantly on the lookout for new targets for improvement, exploring cross-disciplinary paths using novel methods.

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